Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to roast pumpkin seeds?

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc. This is a very good food when you are suffering from cold-cough. Let's know how to make it. It's really quick and easy!

1 Pumpkin
2 Tablespoon Salt
2 liter water

1) Cut the pumpkin in half horizontally.
half pumpkin
cut the pumpkin in half

 2) Separate the seeds from the pumpkin. take out all the seeds.

separating the seeds from the pumpkin
separated pumpkin seeds

3) Then Soak the seeds into warm water. so that the pumpkin guts get separated from the seeds.
separating the seeds from the pumpkin guts

4) Take the seeds in a strainer and rinse them under cold water so that rest of the guts get discarded.

5) Take 2 liters of water into a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoon of salt in it.

6) Add the seeds into the salt-water mixture.

7) Leave it for 30 minutes.

8) Soaking the seeds into salt water deactivates enzyme inhibitors in the seeds and produce more vitamins in the seeds. And it also improves the flavor of the seeds.

9) Take a paper towel. sprinkle the seeds on it. and let them dry.
Drying the pumpkin seeds in paper towel
10) Take a pan. Take butter on it. Put the pan on the stove so that the butter get melted.

11) Now put the seeds into the pan and coat them well with the butter. and constantly shift the seeds around so that they roast evenly.

12)  After you see they get a little bit brown. put it off from the stove. and take them on a plate. and eat them!

13) you can do it in oven also. Take a baking pan or pizza pan. brush the whole pan with butter. then coat the seeds with melted butter and then put them in the pan and make sure there is only one layer of seeds.
pumpkin seeds in baking pan
 14) Put them in a oven. bake it for 15 minutes in 350°.

that's it! Have your crunchy pumpkin seeds.

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