Saturday, June 1, 2013

What to eat in Cold-Cough?

When you are suffering from cold-cough, your food habit can cure you fast.

1) Eat food containing Vitamin C. This improves the disease prevention power which helps the body to win against the germs. Gooseberry, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, pineapple, chili and potatoes contain high amount of vitamin C.


 2) Zinc is also a helpful element to cure cold-cough. Research has found that zinc can fight against virus well. Peanuts,  Garlic, Watermelon Seeds, almonds, Veal Liver, toasted Wheat Germ, Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc.

wheat germ
Pumpkin seeds

3) Chicken Soup is a very good one when you are suffering from cold-cough. According to New York Times health guide it helps to reduce the stiffness of cough and also reduces the bodypain caused by cold. If you can add some vegetables with the chicken soup it will serve the Vitamin also. 

4) Eat Spicy food. You lost your taste in cold-cough. Spicy food helps to increase the taste. Green chilies (high in vitamin C), Garlic (contains Alliin which helps in cold-cough), Ginger are very good spice.

green chilies

5) Drink a lot of water and drinks. Its better to drink fruit juice instead of coffee, coke or Pepsi. You can drink the tea made of lemon juice, ginger and honey. This tea is very helpful to cure cold-cough.

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