Friday, May 31, 2013

What is Platypus?

Platypus is a name of an animal. It is the only mammal in the world which lays eggs. Means it lays eggs but its baby drinks the mother's milk. It lives in rivers and lakes.

A swimming Platypus
It can live in land also. It is found majorly in Australia. It eats insects, and tiny things like, larvae, tadpoles, tiny crustaceans, tiny fishes also. Though fish is not in its major food list. It hunts under water, specially at night. You can see it is duck billed. there is an elector-receptor system located in the bill which helps it to detect its prey. Platypus maintains its body temperature between 31-32 degree Celsius.
There is a cartoon named "Phineas and Ferb" where they pet a platypus. Its name was Perry.
Perry the Platypus
I would finish with a comment : it is an awesome creature which is a mixture of all creatures. Its mouth is like a duck, it is a mammal but lays eggs like a bird. Its living place is like a frog, land and water. It is not vegetarian but doesn't eat big non-veg food. So, isn't it very different?

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