Friday, May 31, 2013

Japan-India get together to tackle China

Japan and India will work together to establish stability in Asia-Pacific area against China's growing influence. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently completed Japan tour. These two countries has discussed about many strategic matters. Japan has promised that they will give financial aid in the Chennai - Bangalore industrial corridor and third line Mumbai Metro project. And Japan is also willing to help in civil nuclear project of India. Manmohan Singh and prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe stated their joint positions in opposite of China's trying to get over the Japan and other countries. It is a diplomatic step against China.
Manmohan Singh and Shinzo Abe after signing the contract
Japan has agreed to to give the technology of ShinMaywa US-2 to India. This is the first time Japan agreed to handover this technology. ShinMaywa can fly in both water and air.
ShinMaywa US-2

Kanji (Chili-Lemon)

In a hot weather, when sun is above the head, you are sweating, you feel very thirsty. And at this moment you will feel like to taste something sour, with a little peppery taste, which can give a touchy feelings in your tongue. So, I have something for you today. That's named Kanji. It's an energetic drink in a hot weather. after you drink it, you will feel a tranquility through your whole body. You can drink it when you are finding something tasty. but your tongue just get tasteless. this can reinstate your taste in the tongue. so, let's know how to make it:

1 Lemon
3 Green Chilies
3 teaspoon Salt
1 mug Water
3-4 Coriander leaves

1) chop the chilies and coriander in small pieces.
chopped coriander

chopped chilies

2) cut the lemon and take all the lemon juice in a mug.
3) mix water, salt, lemon juice, coriander and chilies into the mug.
4) stir it well.
5) Drink it! you will get a shock at your first sip. ;)

Kanji (chili-lemon juice)

How to make pudding (Custard)

A piece of Caramel Custard
Pudding (also known as Custard) is a very tasty desert. And it is really more than easy to make. This recipe is gonna be very helpful specially for the persons those who are students live in a hostel, or any person who lives without family and is always in a rush that its very hard to get some time to make something tasty to eat. so here is your recipe. So, what are you waiting for? Why not try it today! :D

1) 500 ml milk
2) 3 Eggs
3) 50g sugar

1) Take a Bowl. or you can take a blender jug.
2) Pour the milk into the bowl or in the blender jug.
3) Add 3 eggs and sugar into that milk.
4) Whisk it well so that everything get mixed together. If you have a blender then just blend the mixture for 10 seconds.
Whisk the mixture of eggs, milk and sugar
5) Pour the mixture in a oven proof bowl.
6) Put it into the oven. and bake it for 20 minutes.
7) and its done! now you can eat this hot. or you can keep it in the refrigerator. and then eat the cool one! :)
Custard with caramel
8) To make one like this image, you have to do an extra work, that is making the caramel.
9) Nothing to worry about. Its also a easy one. Just take some sugar into a pan (better if it is a nonstick pan). then put it on the burner. then let it cook for 1 or 2 minutes till the sugar get melt. It will look like brown syrup. the caramel is done.
10) you have to pour this caramel into that oven proof bowl before you pour the egg milk mixture.
so, you first pour the caramel then pour the egg milk mixture.
11) then bake it for 20 minutes.
12) and its done.

note: if you don't have an oven, then you can take a big bowl take water into it. and put it into the burner and start boiling. into that water you have to keep the mixture holding it in another bowl. in this case its better to choose a steel bowl. remember do not let the water to enter your mixture. when you see the mixture get crystallized, means its done.

What is Platypus?

Platypus is a name of an animal. It is the only mammal in the world which lays eggs. Means it lays eggs but its baby drinks the mother's milk. It lives in rivers and lakes.

A swimming Platypus
It can live in land also. It is found majorly in Australia. It eats insects, and tiny things like, larvae, tadpoles, tiny crustaceans, tiny fishes also. Though fish is not in its major food list. It hunts under water, specially at night. You can see it is duck billed. there is an elector-receptor system located in the bill which helps it to detect its prey. Platypus maintains its body temperature between 31-32 degree Celsius.
There is a cartoon named "Phineas and Ferb" where they pet a platypus. Its name was Perry.
Perry the Platypus
I would finish with a comment : it is an awesome creature which is a mixture of all creatures. Its mouth is like a duck, it is a mammal but lays eggs like a bird. Its living place is like a frog, land and water. It is not vegetarian but doesn't eat big non-veg food. So, isn't it very different?

Some interesting facts about Lion

1) When Lion walk, their heels do not touch the ground.
2) The highest running speed of a Lion is 58km/hour. But it is for a few time.
3) Once upon a time there were a lots of lion in Africa, South Europe, Asia. But now they mostly live in Africa. But still there are few in Girbon India.
4) An adult Lion needs 7kg of meat each day. But it can eat 27kg of meat at a time.
5) Weight of an adult lion can be 150 - 250 kg.

11 facts about Cow

1) Almost every family had their pet cow before the year 1850.
2) Do you know where are the most cows in the world? India.
3) A cow can climb the stairs alone. But cannot get down by stairs.
4) A cow gives approximately 200,000 - 350,000 glasses of milk in her whole life.
5) A cow sits and stands up approximately 14 times each day.
6) A cow spends 6-7 hours to eat food. and spends 8 hours to chew those food.
7) A cow can drink 35 gallon of water each day.
8) Cow has a strong smelling power. It can smell the things from 6 miles away.
9) A cow named Urbe Blanca got the record of highest milk giver in one day. that is 241 pound. She gave 241 pound milk in one day.
10) Big Bertha is the longest living cow in the world yet. She died 3 months before her 49th birthday.
11) Big Bertha also holds the record of highest breeding. She gave birth to 39 calves.

Do you know?

 1) Do you know why "White House" is white? In 1814 this building got sever damage by fire. There were many black and brown spots in the building after this disaster. Then the spots were covered with white painting. From then this is known as "White House" worldwide.
White House
Thomas Alva Edison
2) American scientist Thomas Alva Edison was rejected from the school because of his laziness. But he invented 1300 things in his life. And he says about his success that 1% brain and 99% hard work!

3) Writer John Milton gets blind at the age of 44 years. 16 years later he wrote "Paradise Lost"
John Milton

Tiptop tips

1) If you eat up so much, drink 1 glass of warm water slowly at least half an hour later after the feast. It will help to digest.

2) After you make the tea, do not bin the tea leaves. Rub it on the floor. your floor will become glazy.

3) Wash your plates with the water where you boiled the potatoes. This is good to clean the plates.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

7 interesting information

1) There was a time when Iron was more expensive than Gold.
2) Honey is the only food that never gets rotten.
3) Though China has population over 1 billion, they have only 250 million of TV.

4) In ancient Egypt people used to pluck there eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats!

5) Men spend 2965 hours of life in shaving their beard.
a man shaving his beard

6) In South Africa they roast termite and ants and eat them like popcorn.

7) Till 1730 diamonds were found only in India.

7 facts of different animals

1) The dog has 28,000 times more smelling power than human.
2) Amongst the animal cat sleeps the most. Daily 18 hours.
sleeping cat
3) Only female mosquito drinks human blood.
4) A fly can fly 8km/minute.
5) Only the male frog sounds in the rainy season. and it attracts the female frogs.
Male frog making sound
6) Hummingbird can fly backward.
7) Chameleon can move its eyes in opposite directions at the same time.
chameleon moving the eyes in opposite direction